Remember that time when Clark Kent reveals his secret identity to Lois Lane at the Daily Planet from Superman: The Animated Series!?! “You asked…” See the video below:

Here’s the clip from Superman: The Animated Series when Clark Kent reveals his secret identity:
Lois Lane: “I’m confused, Kent. See, I’ve lived in Metropolis most of my life and I can’t figure out how some yokel from Smallville is suddenly getting every hot story in town.”
Clark Kent: “Well, Lois, the truth is I’m actually Superman in disguise, and I only pretend to be a journalist in order to hear about disasters as they happen and then squeeze you out of the byline.”
Lois Lane: “You’re a sick man, Kent.”
Clark Kent: “You asked…”
This opens up the possibility that Tony Hawk could very well be a superhero.