Tag: British
Which Childhood Heroes are Monarchists
LOL! This is an amusing (and true) post about which of your childhood heroes are monarchists. The tragedy of growing up British and left wing…
JK Rowling Causing the Breakup of the UK
LOL! This is a crazy theory that JK Rowling’s actions after publishing Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone will cause the inevitable breakup of the UK: Source…
Waitress Gets Harassed For Being British
We all know that customers (especially Karens) can be completely ridiculous, especially to servers, retail, and customer service workers. But this story about a couple…
All 50 States of the USA According to a British Person
LOL! @human_not_bees, a British person, tweeted this hilarious thread of all 50 states of the USA and what they are famous for. These are of…
Japanese Word “Ne” Means the Same as the British “Innit”
This is neat and might help someone struggling with learning the meaning of the Japanese “-ne?” particle. So basically the Japanese word “ne” means the…
Old Gregg Cosplay From The Mighty Boosh
Comedian and cosplayer Josie Marcellino looks hilarious cosplaying as Old Gregg from The Mighty Boosh. Every year she creates 31 Halloween costumes in October, one for every…
Things British People Say – “British People Be Like…”
LOL! This is a funny collection of tweets of things British people say. No offense to British people or their accents of course, this is…
Guide To British Slang and Swearing
Check out these handy “Guide to British Slang” and “How To Swear in British” lists! They are perfect for if you’re writing British characters or…