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Something for the Supreme Court to Consider

These things for the Supreme Court to consider are in response to the news that they may overturn Roe v. Wade. Should this happen, many…

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The Best Pro-Choice Posts in Response to Overturning Roe v. Wade

Here is a collection of the best pro-choice tweets and memes posted around the internet in response to the news that the USA’s Supreme Court…

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Pro-Choice Comments on Abortion

Here is a great collection of some of the best pro-choice facebook comments and tweets. These commenters make really compelling points that I don’t understand…

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Pro-Life Women Get Abortions Too

Annoyed Cicada posted this eye-opening thread about how “pro-life” women get just as many abortions as other women. She has first hand stories of the experiences…

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This Question Proves No One Believes Life Begins At Conception

Patrick S. Tomlinson tweeted this question he asks whenever abortion comes up. The question basically destroys the notion that anyone truly believes “life begins at…

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Don’t Feed the Trolls and Live Your Best Life

It took me a while to learn this, but it really is best not to feed the trolls. This isn’t to say that debate is…

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Posted in Articles Comics

No, We Won’t “Calm Down” – Tone Policing Comic

(Content Warning: mention of transmisogyny and violence.) This “No, We Won’t Calm Down” comic was made by Robot Hugs for Everyday Feminism. It’s about how…

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Women Being Punished For Losing Their Babies

Jessica Valenti tweeted this eye-opening thread about women being punished for losing their babies through miscarriages, accidents or otherwise horrible circumstances. Stop saying women won’t…

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