Posted in Comics

Neil deGrasse Tyson Quote Comic

Cartoonist Gavin Aung Than of Zen Pencils adapts famous inspirational quotes into comic stories and we just love them! This comic is of an iconic quote from astrophysicist Neil deGrasse…

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Posted in Art Articles

Horoscope Witches

Nona created this wonderful Horoscope Witches art series complete with detailed horoscopes! It was done as a character design challenge, which was draw a witch for…

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Posted in LOLS

What The Zodiac Signs Live In

LOL! Mary Alice made this amusing series of what she imagines the zodiac signs living in. There are some pretty unique houses and living spaces…

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Posted in LOLS

Zodiac Signs as Stranger Things Characters

While we’ve posted a series of Stranger Things Zodiac Signs before, these ones have been updated to the characters from season 4. So here are…

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Posted in LOLS

Game of Thrones Zodiac Signs

Jonah aka chat_ensorceler made the zodiac signs as characters from Game of Thrones! They also have a little personality trait horoscopes to go along with them….

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Posted in LOLS

Star Trek: The Next Generation Zodiac Signs

Jonah aka chat_ensorceler made the zodiac signs as characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation! They also have a little personality trait horoscopes to go along…

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Posted in LOLS

The Zodiac Signs as Spices

LOL! It’s spicy astrology time! @ChaoticRayy tweeted this hilarious thread of the zodiac signs if they were spices: Source: @ChaoticRayy Is your spice zodiac sign…

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Posted in Articles

Marvel Cinematic Universe Superheroes Zodiac Signs

Jonah aka chat_ensorceler made the zodiac signs as Marvel Cinematic Universe superheroes! They also have a little personality trait horoscopes to go along with them. Is…

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Posted in LOLS

Zodiacats – If Cats Were the Zodiac Signs

LOL! The facebook page Cat made this amusing kitty zodiac of cats if they were the zodiac signs. Each one also has some funny horoscope personality traits….

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Posted in Articles

The Zodiac Signs as Vampires

William Threnody made this list of the zodiac signs if they were vampires! Do you like your vampire zodiac sign? Mine is Lestat from Interview…

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