Tag: biology
Reproductive and Gender Diversity in Animals
Humon Comics created this amazing series that shows how much reproductive and gender diversity there is in the animal kingdom! These illustrations are from their…
Stupid Things Men Thought About Women’s Bodies
We’ve posted many similar stories about all the stupid things men have thought about women’s bodies, but they’re especially important with so many men these…
People Who Have No Idea What Human Embryos Look Like
These people have no idea what a human embryo looks like or how it works, but still think their opinion on whether or not women…
Crazy Eye / Brain Hacks – You Are A Time Traveler
@Foone posted this amazing twitter thread about an insane hack the human brain does to help us see, basically we time travel. This is mind-blowing…
If Your Immune System Was a Manga Character – Comic
LOL! It’s spring here right now and I’m allergic to pollen so this is super relatable! Shen Comix drew this clever comic about if your immune system…
Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women’s Reproductive Health
*LOL!* But also *CRINGE!* @brownandbella posed the question to the women of Twitter, “What is the dumbest thing a man ever said to you about sex,…
Biological Sex Is a Spectrum According to Science
You’ve probably seen this viral thread by ScienceVet floating around the internet. The thread goes into great detail about how, according to science, biological sex…
Fat-Tailed Sheep
LOL! I was today years old when I learned about Fat-Tailed Sheep! Anatomika Science put together this genius post about this ancient, and unique breed…
Everything Wrong With the Human Body
There’s so much wrong with the human body. Humans are one of the only animals that have periods. Humans have bad backs. Human teeth don’t…
One Man Singlehandedly Repopulated a Rare Butterfly
Tim Wong is a biologist, social butterfly, and naturalist in San Francisco. He’s the man responsible for singlehandedly repopulating the area with the California Pipevine…