Tag: centaurs
New Pet Comic
Adam Ellis makes dorky comics for the internet and sometimes other things too. This freaky comic is about a mother looking for a new pet for her daughter….
Mantaur – Centaur Who Is Half-Man and Half-Man
Xela drew this fun art of a “mantaur”, which is a centaur who is half-man and half-man, lol! This creature has the upper body of…
How Do Centaurs Sleep?
The Arting Ace had an awesome and extensive response to the question, “How do the centaurs sleep? And how do they stretch after a good…
Dungeons & Dragons Centaur Mechanics – Comic
LOL! Baalbuddy (who draws dank pictures of lewd elves and dabbing orcs) drew this centaur comic for a Patreon request for size mechanics in the D&D Theros campaign. It was colorized…
Mantis Centaurs
LOL! Please consider: itty-bitty mantis centaurs. In response iguanamouth drew two types of mantis centaurs, a new fantasy creature! One is bottom half mantis, top half human,…
Centaurette Cosplay From Fantasia That Actually Walks
Ginny Di looks absolutely magical cosplaying as a Centaurette from Disney‘s Fantasia! She did an incredible job on this cosplay and it even walks with her…
Halloween Centaurettes Pinups
Savannah Alexandra Art drew this gorgeous series of centaur girl vintage pinups for Halloween! They are so cute and spooky, we love these centaurettes! Here’s…
Matthew Lillard as a High Geologist Centaur
Yes, you read that right – here’s Matthew Lillard as a high geologist, asexual centaur in this hilariously unexpected and random thread. This thread is…
Just Girl Stuff – Comic
LOL! Dami Lee drew this cute and funny “Just Girl Stuff” based on a tweet by Erin Chack. It’s about what girls think about and yes,…
Battle Dogetaur Designs for Different Dog Breeds
Nikita Orlov Art designed this amazing series of fantasy battle dogs! They are super badass and there’s also a few super cute ones too! Here’s…