Tag: characters
The Legend of Zelda / Pokémon Mashup Fan Art
David Pilatowsky drew this amazing “The Legend of Pokémon – The Watercolor Heroes” mashup fan art of Pokémon as characters from The Legend of Zelda! You…
Mantaur – Centaur Who Is Half-Man and Half-Man
Xela drew this fun art of a “mantaur”, which is a centaur who is half-man and half-man, lol! This creature has the upper body of…
How to Write Realistic Experts
This is a great idea for sci-fi / fantasy writers to use when creating characters that are realistic experts in their fields. This will really…
If Harry Potter was Anime – Fan Art
Japanese artist Waka Nakagawa aka Nakagawa (LEGO!) created this lovely fan art series of Harry Potter characters if they were anime! She also drew a gorgeous anime…
Geek Pop Culture Alphabet
Artist Jeff Victor made this awesome geek pop culture alphabet ABCs chart that runs from Ariel to Zombies! It includes superheroes, sci-fi characters, storybook friends, video game…
Disney / DreamWorks Genderswapped Fan Art
Artist MabyMin created this lovely fan art series of Disney and DreamWorks genderswaps! She created believable versions of the characters if they were the opposite gender….
Disney Ladies as Pop Culture Heroines
Artist Isaiah Stephens made this amazing series of Disney Princesses and ladies as pop culture heroines! It was created as a Halloween series of the ladies wearing…
BADASS Fan Art of Childhood Classics
French artist Tohad created these twisted but super awesome versions of some childhood classic in this series of fan art called BADASS! This is a huge series,…
Art Nouveau Studio Ghibli Fan Art
Pixiv artist marlboro created these gorgeous art nouveau style Studio Ghibli illustrations of some of the iconic characters from Hayao Miyazaki’s films. These lovely portraits are…
Horror Bath Bombs
WANT! Etsy seller Glamgoria makes these freaky and awesome horror bath bombs! They are all vegan, cruelty free, and phthalate free with painstakingly sourced ingredients….