Tag: comic
Schizophrenia Expectation vs. Reality
This is an interesting little comic about the expectations vs. reality when it comes to schizophrenia. It’s what people think when you tell them “I’m…
Rebuild Society – Comic
LOL! Toon Hole created this amusing and sadly accurate “Rebuild Society” post-apocalyptic comic about what happens after society collapses and we try to rebuild: Artist:…
Bloody Hell Link – The Legend of Zelda Comic
LOL! BLOODY HELL LINK! ElectricBunnyComics drew this amusing The Legend of Zelda comic about Zelda and Link: “I mean if I was him I would have done…
Hand Drawn Comic Explains Anxiety
This hand-drawn sketch comic by Sophie Wright explains her experiences with anxiety, which is a mental illness people tend to misunderstand quite frequently. She hopes this will…
How To Stop Batman – Comic
LOL! Dorkly killed it again with this hilarious “How To Stop Batman” comic! Oh and *make sure to scroll all the way down to read the whole thing*:…
Living With Mochi the Pug – Comics
Gemma Gené creates these adorable comic about living with her precious dog, Mochi the Pug! They are so cute and super relatable to dog owners!…
Harley Quinn Teases Poison Ivy About Vegetarianism – Comic
LOL *groooan*, Stjepan Šejić did it again with one of his hilarious comics! In this comic Harley cheekily teases Ivy about vegetarianism. Since Harley Quinn and…
Short Girl Problems – Comic
This cute and true “Short Girl Problems” comic was drawn lovingly by Sara Draws Things for short girls everywhere! Be sure to check out her page, she…
Her First Time – Comic
LOL! John Martinez of Toonhole illustrated this funny comic about a girlfriend experiencing her “first time”. Every girl wants it to be special… Artist: John Martinez of Toonhole
The Difference Between Sexual Empowerment and Sexual Objectification
Ronnie Ritchie of Everyday Feminism wrote and illustrated this insightful comic showing the difference between sexual empowerment and sexual objectification. Here’s a few words about it: “There’s a…