Posted in Comics LOLS

Witch Hunt Comic

LOL! Lunarbaboon drew this amusing comic about a witch hunt. If only this was historically accurate. Lunarbaboon describes his comic as follows: “Webcomic about a half man/half moon monkey trying…

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Posted in Comics

Life Is So Easy – Comic

Shen Comix drew this sadly accurate comic about how life seems so easy to some people. However not all of us are so lucky… Artist: Shen Comix (formerly…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

Mario’s Dream Comic

LOL! Poor Mario. Safely Endangered created this amusing Super Mario Bros. comic about Luigi waking Mario up from his dream… Artist: Safely Endangered

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Posted in Cosplay

Supergirl Cosplay

Lauren Fogle looks fantastic cosplaying as Supergirl from DC Comics! Kara Zor-El aka Supergirl is a superhero and the cousin of Superman. Like Superman, Supergirl is from the…

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Posted in Art Comics

“Yes, But” Illustrations About Our Society’s Contradictions

Anton Gudim of YES , BUT creates these eye-opening two-panel comic illustrations that show some of our society’s daily contradictions. His images that touch on…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

World War G – Comic

Remember, remember, the 5th of November. Matt Bors created this amusing “World War G” comic. After the revolution, they went door to door with a…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

Halloween Comics

This is an amusing collection of Halloween comics by TheOdd1sOut from over the years! There’s funny comics about costumes, ghosts, pumpkins, and more: Artist: TheOdd1sOut

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Posted in Comics LOLS

Hanging With The Monsters – Comic

LOL! Buttersafe drew this amusing and spooky comic about a human trying to hang out with monsters including a vampire, a witch, a werewolf, and…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

Halloween Animal Comics

LOL! Liz Climo draws all sorts of funny and cute animal comics for Halloween! Here are some of our favorites and you can see more on her page:…

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Posted in Comics

New Pet Comic

Adam Ellis makes dorky comics for the internet and sometimes other things too. This freaky comic is about a mother looking for a new pet for her daughter….

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