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Stop Saying People Are Cringe

Stop saying people are “cringe” because they have weird interests. “Be as cringe as you want. Don’t limit yourself based on other ppl’s tastes. They’re…

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“Nice Guy” Story

This is a great story in response to the question, “What has been your worst “nice guy” experience”? “Nice guy” does not of course actually…

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Stupid Things Men Thought About Women’s Bodies

We’ve posted many similar stories about all the stupid things men have thought about women’s bodies, but they’re especially important with so many men these…

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Dumbest Things Men Have Said About Women’s Reproductive Health

*LOL!* But also *CRINGE!* @brownandbella posed the question to the women of Twitter, “What is the dumbest thing a man ever said to you about sex,…

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Stupid Comments From People Who Had No Idea Who They Were Talking To

LOL! Check out all these cringeworthy comments from people who had no idea who they were talking to. Starting with condescendingly acting like this guy…

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Woman Destroys Entitled “Nice Guy” Through Texts

mackiemister7 posted this text conversation in which she completely destroys a self-proclaimed “nice guy”. Most women have experienced a brush like this with a ridiculously…

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“Nice Guys” Who Showed Their Toxic Entitlement

SO. MUCH. CRINGE. Women have all experienced at least some level of this ridiculousness from “men”. These examples are from the treasure trove of toxic…

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Toxic Dude Can’t Handle Rejection

So much cringe at these texts from this toxic dude who can’t handle an open and honest rejection. Women have all experienced at least some…

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