Tag: DC
If Batman Had Been in Watchmen Comic
LOL! Comic book and concept artist AxelMedellin created this DC fan fic comic called “The Dark Knight Returns to the Watchmen” about if Batman had been…
Wonder Woman is Better Than Superman Comic
LOL! Artist Matt Jones drew this amusing comic about why Wonder Woman is better than Superman! Here’s a few words from the artist: “Has there ever…
Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy Get Catcalled
This awesome scene is from Batman: The Animated Series, season 1, episode 47, “Harley and Ivy”. This is a really great episode and in this…
DC Manatees Fan Art
Yup, you read that title right… it’s a fan art series of DC Comics characters from the Justice League as manatees! Artist Joel Micah Harris came up…
Villains in Gotham Humor
LOL! This is a funny list of reasons why villains in Gotham don’t stick around after initially trying to expand operations: Source: thisiswhereikeepdcthings
Henry Cavill in the Span of 24 Hours – Meme
LOL! This is an amusing and accurate Henry Cavill version of the “Homer Simpson Backs Into Bushes” meme. It was made in response to all…
Why Martian Manhunter Doesn’t Use Telepathy on Batman
I always liked the idea that Martian Manhunter doesn’t use his telepathy to get into Batman’s head because it’s really unpleasant in there. “Oooh look…
Little Girls Are Better At Designing Superheroes Than You
This is a great project titled Little Girls Are Better At Designing Superheroes Than You where superheroes are drawn based on the costumes of young…
“So Clark…” Batman and Superman Comic
Dean Grayson made this cute Batman and Superman comic and said, “No one but Superman can do that pose and still be badass. (And Batman wouldn’t be…
Lobo From DC Comics Genderbent Cosplay
Elena Samko Cosplay looks badass cosplaying as her genderbent version of Lobo! Lobo is a comic book character in DC Comics. He is an alien from the utopian…