Tag: depression
Posted in Comics
What People Say About Mental Illness vs What It’s Really Like
This comic by College Humor shows a comparison between what people say about mental illness vs what it’s really like living with mental illness. The…
Posted in Art
Mental Illness and Disorders Illustrated Art Series
TW: self-harm, mental illness. Shawn Coss created this art series of ink depictions of mental illness and disorders to fight the stigma associated with them and…
Posted in Articles
A Thread on Understanding ADHD
@plant_homo tweeted this informative thread to help neurotypical people understand attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) a little bit more. I’m sure a lot of people can…
Posted in Comics
Making Other People Happy – Comic
Lunarbaboon drew this meaningful comic about trying to make other people happy when they are suffering from depression or other mental health issues. It’s sad,…