Posted in Comics LOLS

What a Gamer Girl Looks Like – Comic

Jago Dibuja created this amusing little comic about opinions on what a “gamer girl” looks like (as if you have to look a certain way…

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Posted in Comics

Geek Girl Interrogation Comic

*Facepalm* SailorSwayze illustrated an annoying thing that, for some unknown reason, still happens to ladies within fandom communities. The comic shows a dude interrogating a girl for…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

Fairy Gamer Momma Comic

JAKFACE drew this amusing “Fairy Gamer Momma” comic showing the unfortunate and ugly side of geek culture that still rears it’s ugly head from time to…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

Invasion of the Fake Geek Girls – Comic

Andy Kluthe of Nerd Rage drew this amusing “Invasion of the Fake Geek Girls” comic illustrating the dangers of encountering the “fake geek girl”. Watch out guys, the…

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Posted in Comics

Gamer Certificate Comic

Illustrator, concept, and comic artist from Brazil Camila Torrano, a fan of video games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill, made this funny “Gamer Certificate” comic…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

The Fake Geek Girl – Comic

LOL! This is an amusing comic by illustrator and comic artist Jemma Salume about “fake geek girls” (because of course any attractive woman is just…

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Posted in LOLS

No Such Thing as a Fake Geek Girl

Ooooooh shots fired! This is a silly post poking fun at all those dudes who claim women are “fake geek girls“. The assumption is that…

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Posted in Articles

Wendy’s on Marvel or DC and the Best Spider-Man Actor

Comic book writer Gail Simone asked burger joint Wendy’s the important question on Twitter, which is better, Marvel or DC? And here is the brands fantastic response about comic…

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Posted in LOLS

How to Deal With Geek Gatekeepers

HAHA, here’s the best way to deal with douchey “geek gatekeepers”. You know the dudes who question whether or not women are “real geeks” and…

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Posted in Articles

Guy Gets Schooled After Posting Fake Geek Girl Rant

*FACEPALM* This “fake geek girl” rant is so ridiculous, but the replies are epic. It’s so silly that people still actually think that “women can’t…

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