Tag: feelings
Women Know Rejection
Obviously women know rejection, many have faced it their whole lives. But some people claim that women don’t experience rejection like men. But like we…
All of The 8-Bit Feels – Comic
The feels! This cute “All of The 8-Bit Feels” comic by Shen Comix shows the tragic ways of the old school side-scroller video games: Artist: Shen…
Playing Video Games – Comic
Schrubs Comics drew this powerful little comic about how playing video games can make little kids feel. This is actually really sad, but could be relatable…
How to Rest & Recover While You Fight for Social Change
It’s okay to rest and recover. @feministsexed created this helpful guide about how to rest and recover while you fight for social change. It can…
Explaining Insecurities About the People We Love
sung tweeted this thread explaining why some people have insecurities about the people they love. Often times it’s not really about them, but about our…
ADHD Bored vs Neurotypical Bored
So ADHD bored is very different from neurotypical bored. These commenters explain the difference between boredom with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and just your average boredom:…
Toxic Dude Can’t Handle Rejection
So much cringe at these texts from this toxic dude who can’t handle an open and honest rejection. Women have all experienced at least some…
Explaining How Someone Can Be Transgender
morganoperandi easily explains from a cis-gender perspective how someone can be transgender and it makes perfect sense. It’s a really great post and a simple concept,…
Both Men and Women Experience Rejection
Just a reminder that everyone, regardless of their gender, experiences rejection at some point in their life. And yea, it can hurt, but no one…