Posted in Articles

The Evolution of Geek Culture – Infographic

The Evolution of Geek Culture explains where the word “geek” originated and the label’s wide variety of interpretations over the past century. The label “geek”…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

Fandom Exit Comic

LOL! This is a funny because it’s true sketch comic titled “Exit” about getting into a new fandom. It’s starts with conventions, fan art, fan…

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Posted in Articles

Geeky Fandom Themed Workouts

Neila Rey created these neat geeky fandom themed workout sets! There’s Wonder Woman, Batman, Spider-Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Star Wars Jedi, Link from The…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

The Fake Geek Girl – Comic

LOL! This is an amusing comic by illustrator and comic artist Jemma Salume about “fake geek girls” (because of course any attractive woman is just…

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Posted in Art

Geek Pop Culture Alphabet

Artist Jeff Victor made this awesome geek pop culture alphabet ABCs chart that runs from Ariel to Zombies! It includes superheroes, sci-fi characters, storybook friends, video game…

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Posted in LOLS

Dudes Crying About She-Hulk Twerking

LOL! These memes about all the angry dudes crying about the silly post-credit scene with She-Hulk and Megan Thee Stallion twerking are spot on. The…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

How to Destroy the Internet – Gail Simone Comic

LOL! Comic book writer Gail Simone and Cathy Brett created this funny comic about how to destroy the internet and it’s so true. Getting under the skin of angry,…

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Posted in Comics

Women Who Shaped Geek Culture – Comic

Andrew Dobson drew this comic about some of the amazing women who have helped shape geek culture throughout history! Here’s what he had to say: “So…

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Posted in LOLS

No Such Thing as a Fake Geek Girl

Ooooooh shots fired! This is a silly post poking fun at all those dudes who claim women are “fake geek girls“. The assumption is that…

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Posted in Art

Iconic Character Fusions From Geek Pop Culture – Fan Art

French illustrator Linda Bouderbala creates these awesome fan art hybrid characters made from a fusion between two iconic fictional characters from geek pop culture. As you can…

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