Tag: genetics
The History of Anxiety
This is a neat little thread about the ancient history of human anxiety. If you think about it the reason so many of us have…
The Genetics of Being Fat
This is an interesting post about the genetics of being fat. It’s possible that if you had a recent ancestor who went through starvation it…
GMOs are Not Bad
This post argues that GMOs are not bad, what’s actually bad is patenting genes and purposely designing crops to be sterile. A GMO, or genetically…
How the Dinosaurs in Jurassic World Were Made
LOL! ElectricBunnyComics sketched this hilarious comic that shows how the “genetically engineered” dinosaurs in Jurassic World were really made. This is probably accurate, haha: Artist: ElectricBunnyComics
Humans Have Invisible Stripes
Ok while this post starts off about aliens talking about human stretch marks, it gets really interesting once it goes into the fact that humans…
Difference Between a Rabbit & a Hare & Other Animals
This post about the genetic differences between a rabbit and a hare, as well as other animals is crazy! They list so many animals that…