Tag: history
Ancient Ruins Research Rabbit Hole
Paul Cooper posted this interesting history thread about some ancient ruins research he did about the Temple of Olympian Zeus in Athens, Greece. He became…
More Historical Misconceptions
This post is an awesome collection of historical misconceptions that are really fun facts! This is actually a longer version of the The Tiffany Problem…
Obsolete Hand Gestures
This is an interesting post about obsolete hand gestures. It starts with the fact that kids don’t do the thumb-and-pinky-out gesture for “phone” anymore. But…
Historical Eras
People often get confused about the actual dates for historical eras so marzipanandminutiae set the record straight! Here’s a list of periods from the 1600s…
Famous Trans Man Harry Allen
Here is the Wikipedia page for the old timey trans man Harry Allen. And he sure did earn it earned entirely due to him doing…
Steve Jobs’ Reality Distortion Field
Wow. The phrase “reality distortion field” is a term first used by Bud Tribble at Apple Computer in 1981. He coined the term to describe…
Names for the Civil War
LOL! This is an amusing post about how every time a racist gets mad when talking about the Civil War you should just make up…
The Secret History of Computers – AI Art
Iulian Barbulescu created this incredible “The Secret History of Computers” AI art using Midjourney! If you are not familiar with it, Midjourney is an artificial…
Triboulet the Jester
Today I learned about Triboulet the jester! Nicolas Ferrial (1479–1536), also known as Le Févrial or Triboulet, was a jester for kings Louis XII and Francis I of France. Here’s some amusing stories about him, history…
Why Pennsylvania Is Named Pennsylvania
LOL! This post starts with people realizing Transylvania is a real place, but ends up explaining why the state in USA is named Pennsylvania. It’s another…