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If the Joker Is a Better Person than You…

The Joker is a criminal supervillain lunatic, but at least he isn’t racist, sexist, or homophobic. So if the Joker is a better person than…

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Posted in Articles LOLS

Tony Stark Gets Sued By Homophobes

LOL! This is a hilarious little Marvel fan fic about how Tony Stark aka Iron Man gets sued by homophobes. It all starts when Tony…

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Queer as a Personality Trait

100% this. honeylovesapphic posted this good point about people who bitch about how being gay or queer shouldn’t be a personality trait. It’s just yet…

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Anti-Bullying Program Opinion

This post expands on the unpopular opinion that shouldn’t be unpopular: anti-bullying programs in school that don’t address the root causes of bullying – which…

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Celebrating in the South

TW: homophobia. finnglas posted this sad story about celebrating in the south and feeling like you need to hide your sexuality and true self from…

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Denver Zoo’s Gay Birds

Meet Denver Zoo’s adorable gay birds! Denver Zoo posted these cute tweets about their same-sex lorikeet pair, Apollo and Trey! ❤️ And they even shot down…

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Posted in Comics

90s Movies Sucked – Comic

This “90s Movies Sucked” comic by Dublah is about when you rewatch old 90s movies without seeing them in decades and they seem super dated…

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Posted in LOLS

Posting Secret Recipes to Get Revenge on Abusive Relatives

Mmm, I can taste the sweet revenge in these recipes, lol. Here are some great secret family recipes released by people getting revenge against their…

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Teenage Boys Being Indoctrinated Online

joanna schroeder tweeted this insightful thread about a troubling trend online that’s laying the groundwork for young teenage boys to become indoctrinated into alt-right / white…

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The Word ‘Homosexual’ Was Mistranslated in the Bible

@valkalrie tweeted this thread about how the word ‘homosexual’ was severely mistranslated in the bible to fit bigots anti-gay agenda. She is a classics major and…

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