Tag: humans
Aliens Trying to Understand Human Food
We love the “humans are space orcs” posts. This one is about how aliens wouldn’t understand human food, especially the concepts of fine dining and…
The Good Things That Came Out of the Pandemic
So the COVID pandemic has been a nightmare for some of us, but many introverts and germophobes are thriving. My favorite new thing definitely has…
Aliens Not Understanding Human Needs
sepulchritude started this great thread about aliens / non-human characters not understanding human needs / customs but still being super supportive of their human companion. The…
Humans are Space Orcs: Nuclear Fallout
I just love the “humans are space orcs” posts and this one by whereareyouguys about nuclear fallout is perfect. An alien named Xneork is talking…
Unbelievable Fun Facts About the Human Body
LOL! Ok here are some probably *NSFW* interesting and funny facts about the marvel that is the human body. So get ready for your daily…