Tag: knives
Posted in LOLS
The Legend of Stabby
LOL! A Roomba accidently summons a demon and The Legend of Stabby was born… (Read Stabby the Space Roomba here!) Source
Posted in Products
Knifecat Pins and Keychains
WANT! Etsy seller Marladraw creates this cute and badass Knifecat merch! Knifecat comes in all different kitty colors and patterns so you can get a…
Posted in Art
Ballerina Performs With Knife Pointe Shoes
“En Puntas” is a stunning video art installation by Javier Prez and you can watch the video here. It features ballerina Amlie Sgarra performing an incredible dance…
I Pick Up The Knife – Comics
LOL! This little “I pick up the knife” sketch comic coined the perfect phrase to mean “I did something impulsive and now it’s going to…
Swiss Army Barbie
LOL! mikeasaurus created a genius tutorial so you can make your own Swiss Army Barbie! This is so much more useful that a regular Barbie…