Tag: language
The Ultimate Pun That Works in Many Languages
“Where do cats go when they die? Purrgatory.” is the ultimate pun, and of course it’s about cats! It works in many languages as you can…
Aliens Trying To Use Computers
This post is about aliens trying to use our technology, such as computers. It’s not they aren’t intelligent enough to use our tech, but they…
Cowboy Phrases and Sayings
Here are some interesting cowboy phrases and sayings that are mostly just solid advice! Here are some cowboy tips on things a cowboy should not…
Thor Talks to Animals
This is a cute post about how Thor could use his Allspeak to talk to animals. If you didn’t know, all Asgardians, and other deities in the Marvel Universe, can speak…
Sibling Language
This is a neat post about how it’s very hard to write realistic dialogue between siblings because they tend to have their own language. I’m…
Latin Phrases Worth Knowing
stcrlghts posted this interesting list of Latin phrases totally worth knowing. This would also go well with the Latin Phrases to Use as Incantations list!…
625 Words to Know in Your Target Language
One trick that helps when learning a foreign language is to know these 625 vocabulary words in your target language. That way you have a…
Important Law Advice
This post is chock full of important law advice about knowing your rights and how to invoke them if you are ever arrested or detained…
Funny Food Misspellings
LOL! Check out all these times people spelled the names of food hilariously wrong! If only life had a built in autocorrect. Here’s the collection…
The Lyrics to All Star by Smash Mouth in Aramaic
LOL! The Slightly Irreverent Jennifer Maglio tweeted this genius version of All Star by Smash Mouth translated into Aramaic and then back into English. The new and…