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Dear Guy Who Made a Terrible Burrito

LOL! Jack Dire wrote this hilarious letter to the guy who made him a truly terrible burrito. The revised title is “Dear Guy Who Just Made My Burrito:…

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Posted in LOLS

Groot’s Resume and Cover Letter

LOL! I am Groot. So when we posted The Best Movie Review Essay Ever Written this other genius assignment was brought to out attention. This…

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Letter to Parents From a Florida Teacher

So you’ve probably heard about Florida’s bizarre “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill that forbids teaching gender identity or sexual orientation…

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Posted in LOLS

New Alphabets Inspired by Ladder E’s

LOL! This funny post about a quirky childhood habit of writing capital E’s with extra horizontal lines called “ladder E’s” led to a whole new…

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Posted in Art

ABCDEFGEEK – Geek Alphabet Fan Art

Otis Frampton drew this adorkable geek alphabet series called “ABCDEFGEEK”! This is Volume 1, you can see Volume 2 and Volume 3 on his deviantart page! Here’s a little bio…

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Posted in LOLS

Even and Odd Letters of the Alphabet

LOL! This post about how weird humans are when it comes to trying to classify things is spot on! The example given is if you…

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Tolkien Responds to Nazi Letter With a Polite F*ck You

In 1938, English author J. R. R. Tolkien responded to a Nazi letter demanding that he prove he was Aryan. The letter was sent after…

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