Tag: mammals
Dog or Not?
LOL! This post imagines alien children on different planets playing an educational game called “Dog or Not?”. It simply shows pictures of various four legged…
When You Die in the Ocean – Comic
grubloved created this hauntingly beautiful comic about when you die in the ocean while thinking about whale falls. It was inspired by the work of catadromously….
Humans Are Weird: Babies
Today’s “humans are weird space orcs” post is about human babies compared to other terrestrial mammals. Human babies are particularly fragile compared to ungulate (hoofed) mammals,…
Humans are Weird – Pregnancy
For today’s “humans are weird space orcs” post, maplepoppy discusses pregnancy and babies! What if all aliens actually hatch from eggs and our planet is…
The Strap-Toothed Whale
thatmcufangirl posted these interesting facts about the “most extra male cetacean alive”, the strap-toothed beaked whale aka Layard’s beaked whale: Source: thatmcufangirl
Humans Are Mammals and Meant to Be Lazy
This is a wonderful demotivational post reminding us that as humans we are mammals and we are meant to be lazy. We don’t have to…
A Coconut Is a Mammal
LOL! Since a coconut produces milk and has hair, it is technically a mammal. #fact This thread about humanity’s struggles to quantify and categorize natural…
A Terrifying Thought About Dragon Eyes
Galahadwilder had this sudden, terrifying thought about how dragon eyes are set to the side and what that means. From an evolutionary standpoint this is crazy!…
Bats Are Amazing and Shouldn’t Be Stigmatized
D’aww! Bats are actually super cute and amazing and they should not be stigmatized as being creepy. Just look at these adorable little animals:…
The Evolutionary Reason Why Women Have Periods
Someone asked on Quora, “Why do women have periods? What is the evolutionary benefit or purpose of having periods?” And Suzanne Sadedin, an evolutionary biologist,…