Posted in Articles

Being Nice in Warhammer 40k

infectedhau posted this interesting idea about trying to be nice when playing Warhammer 40k. Even though the whole point of 40k’s universe is that everyone…

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Posted in Articles

Adult Life Is Hard Advice

We all know adult life is hard, so advice to make it a little easier is always welcome. This is a very important, yet simple,…

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Posted in Comics

Kindness Comic

For today’s wholesome content Lunarbaboon drew this sweet “Kindness” comic about being kind and caring to everyone you meet on the journey of life. Lunarbaboon describes…

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Posted in LOLS

Why Is It So Hard to Be Nice

Seriously though, why is it so hard for humans to just be nice? It shouldn’t be that hard. But throughout human history we’ve proven time…

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