Posted in Cosplay

Star Wars Dune Traveler Original Cosplay

Fashion designer Firefly Path created this stunning original cosplay for the Star Wars Universe. The photoshoot is titled “If Firefly Path was in the Star…

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Posted in Cosplay

Sith From Star Wars Original Cosplay

Author, professional costumer, and streamer Courtney Leigh looks amazing in her Sith from Star Wars cosplay! This is an original character she created named Darth Moros,…

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Posted in Cosplay

Bat Joker Original Design Cosplay

Dark Incognito cosplay from Belarus, Minsk looks totally badass cosplaying as her epic Bat Joker original design cosplay! As you can see it’s an awesomely detailed…

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Posted in Cosplay

Leto – Original Design Character Costume

Les Légendes d’Azcor created this stunning original design costume for a character named Leto from her own fantasy universe. She created two separate masks and…

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Posted in Cosplay

Magical Elven Fantasy Photoshoot

Mica Burton looks absolutely gorgeous in her original Elven fantasy cosplay photoshoot! Her choice of the delicate flower dress and jewelry, and the regal golden…

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Posted in Cosplay

Viking Inspired Leatherwork Photoshoot

Deakath Taesse looks amazing in this Viking inspired warrior photoshoot! She is a creative craftswoman and director at Onirium Studios. The leatherwork, styling and attention to detail…

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