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Men Deserve Support Too

These are two really devastating responses to the question, “What’s something that sucks about being a man?”. Both are about fathers who lost their sons…

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Matriarchal Cultures in Fiction

This is a great point about matriarchal cultures in fiction. They are always just completely opposite of our culture, as in “women fight and hunt, men…

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Posted in Comics

Feminism is Having a Wardrobe Malfunction – Comic

This “Feminism is Having a Wardrobe Malfunction” comic by Ro Salarian shows how some people act in the name of feminism. But if you are…

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Marriage Does Not “Save” Women From Single Motherhood

Now obviously this is not *always* the case, there are of course healthy, balanced married relationships out there, but the general idea that marriage saves…

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All Women or No Women

Supporting all women is important. Dancer and feminist Precious Polefire of Filth Army posted this epic rant about how we shouldn’t be excluding women based on internally misogynistic, outdated…

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Reversed Gender Roles in Sexist Vintage Ads

Photographer Eli Rezkallah created this eye-opening photo series that reimagines sexist vintage ads with the gender roles reversed. The title of the series is “In a Parallel…

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Why Women Feel Like They Don’t Need Men Anymore

@DapperDomo posted his hot take in response to this question about the reason why “women feel like they don’t even need men anymore”. Basically, it’s…

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Men in Female Dominated Fields

This post about how men who work in female dominated fields are treated is so disappointing, but really not at all surprising. The worst part…

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Explaining Toxic Masculinity and Toxic Femininity

nothorses explains the concept of toxic masculinity (and later toxic femininity) since there is so much confusion and anger surrounding the topic. Pretty much every time…

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The Friendzone Explained

Alara J Rogers goes into detail explaining why men can get so offended about being put in the “friendzone” by their female acquaintances. She breaks down…

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