Posted in LOLS

Miss Grotke Quotes From Recess

These quotes from Miss Grotke, the teacher from the 1997 animated tv show Recess, show she was a woke tea spilling goddess! Her quotes cover…

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Posted in Art

SLAPS Art Series

FYONAFINN drew this powerful SLAPS art series based on the iconic Batman slaps Robin meme. They are available in their Etsy Shop as prints or as a sticker…

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Posted in Articles

30 Feminist Comebacks to Sexist Comments

This is a great collection of 30 times feminists had great comebacks to sexist comments. Starting with professional tennis player Andy Murray responding to this…

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Posted in Articles

Hoop Skirts and Bustles Were Not Tools of the Patriarchy

This is an interesting post about how contrary to what many people believe, hoop skirts and bustles were not tools of the patriarchy. The history…

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Posted in Articles

Beer Was Invented and Brewed by Women

Here’s a very interesting historical fact – beer was invented and brewed by women for most of human history. Until the patriarchy of course decided…

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Posted in Articles

If We Lived in a Matriarchy Instead of a Patriarchy

Damn. A.R. Moxon posted this powerful thread on twitter about how men would react if the tables turned and we suddenly lived in a matriarchy…

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