Posted in Comics

If Physical Illness Were Treated Like Mental Illness – Comic

Robot Hugs created another meaningful comic that illustrates what it would be like if people treated physical illness and injury the way some people treat mental…

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Posted in Comics

Sexual Harassment Comic

Robot Hugs made this very important comic about sexual harassment against women that everyone should read. This is a very serious topic that people don’t want…

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Posted in Comics

Sexist Movie Pitch – Comic

This sexist movie pitch comic is painfully familiar. Thankfully, stupid sexist tropes like this in Hollywood movies are getting less used with time. But we…

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Posted in Articles Comics

No, We Won’t “Calm Down” – Tone Policing Comic

(Content Warning: mention of transmisogyny and violence.) This “No, We Won’t Calm Down” comic was made by Robot Hugs for Everyday Feminism. It’s about how…

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