Tag: scenes
Hilarious Disney Derp Animations
Israeli artist Yotam Perel makes funny animations and such. This is an especially hilarious “Disney Derp” series he made of GIFs of beloved Disney movie scenes made…
Morbidly Wholesome Scenes From Wednesday
This is an awesome collection of some of the best morbidly wholesome scenes from Netflix’s Wednesday! The show is a spinoff of The Addams…
Deleted Scene From Star Wars: The Force Awakens
They should have left this deleted scene from Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens in the movie! This scene between General Leia and Korr Sella…
Futurama Dream Scene Quote
THE FEELS! This dream scene from Futurama season 7, episode 23: “Game of Tones” of Fry dreaming about his mother is absolutely heartbreaking: Here is…
Beautiful Sailor Moon Scenery Art From the Original Anime
The original Sailor Moon anime had some seriously stunning background scenery. Just take a minute to appreciate the gorgeous pastel colors, the artwork is so…
The Best “I’m Dead And I Know It” Scenes In Movies
People have been tweeting the greatest “I’m dead and I know it” moments in movie history, and the results are pretty awesome! There’s so many…