Tag: sharks
Sharkshimi the Sushi Shark
WANT! Crouton’s Crochet designed this awesome Sharkshimi the Sushi Shark Crochet Pattern so you can crochet your own cute little shark! This adorable and punny…
Sweet Sharks Anatomy Art Series
Astral Requin draws these adorable sweet shark anatomies! His mission is to purify the negative image of sharks, by offering positive and creative solutions, with art!…
Shark Punch! – Shark Girl Manga
SHARK PUNCH! Meet Shark Girl! She loves sharks and punching things! This cute little manga is by Shuuji Yukimoto: Artist: Shuuji Yukimoto Translation: Rizel (via: Geek Girls)
The Reason Why Sharks Attack Surfers
Sharks don’t attack humans because they are malicious or evil, they are just hungry! The reason sharks attack surfers so often is because their shadows…
Funny Conversation About Shark Tracking
This text conversation about tracking sharks with a shark tracker app is hilarious! Pablo and Katherine are both quite the swimmers! And yes, I know…
Cute Shark Kitty Art Series
D’aww! Japanese artist mofu_sand drew this super cute kitty wearing a shark suit art series! They draw absolutely precious kawaii kitten art, but this ‘lil shark…
Sharks are Perfectly Safe – Comic
LOL! Pet Foolery drew this amusing comic about how sharks are perfectly safe and we shouldn’t fear them. This artist makes funny comics about pets and other…