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“I’m Rich” Fantasy

My wildest “I’m rich” fantasy is also me doing all the same stuff as now, I’m just more relaxed. If this post describes what “being…

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Fantasy Tumblr

LOL! This is an amusing post about what fantasy Tumblr would be like if mythological creatures existed in real life. People would be judging and…

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A Lot of Problems Need Social Workers, Not Cops

leebrontide posted this eye-opening story today about why a lot of problems need social workers, not cops. A better way is possible: Source: leebrontide

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A Person’s Identity Isn’t a Political Statement

Just your daily reminder that a person’s identity isn’t and shouldn’t be a political statement. All different types of people exist. There is no default…

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How to Spot a Kettle at a Protest

This comic shows how to spot a “kettle” at a protest. Kettling (also known as containment or corralling) is a police tactic for controlling large…

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How to Rest & Recover While You Fight for Social Change

It’s okay to rest and recover. @feministsexed created this helpful guide about how to rest and recover while you fight for social change. It can…

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Anti-Indigenous Things To Quit Saying/Doing

This post is a great list of anti-indigenous things to quit saying and doing. Some of these are obvious, but some people may not realize…

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Posted in Comics

What We Can and Can’t Afford – Comic

Barry Deutsch and Kevin Moore created this comic for Lefty Cartoons about what we “can” and “can’t” afford as a society. Here’s what Kevin had…

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Cultural Appropriation vs Assimilation vs Exchange

Sahra Denner posted this information about cultural appropriation vs cultural assimilation vs cultural exchange. There are important distinctions between the three, and this post explains the…

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Should We Say Black?

Marie Beecham posts about racial equity and social unity on Instagram. She wrote this wonderful post for anyone asking the question, “Should we say Black?”….

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