Tag: social justice
Cultural Appropriation vs Assimilation vs Exchange
Sahra Denner posted this information about cultural appropriation vs cultural assimilation vs cultural exchange. There are important distinctions between the three, and this post explains the…
Should We Say Black?
Marie Beecham posts about racial equity and social unity on Instagram. She wrote this wonderful post for anyone asking the question, “Should we say Black?”….
Forcing Diversity
FightinCowboy makes some really good points about so-called “forced diversity” in gaming and geek culture. But for real, having more people of color, women, LGBTQ+, and…
Inclusivity in Geek Culture
Mister Vimes posted this twitter thread about inclusivity and how he doesn’t recognize geek culture anymore due to all the toxicity, gatekeeping (here’s How to Deal…
Socio-Political Terms Explained With Laundry
LOL! Joshua Idehen hilariously, yet astutely explains modern socio-political terms using doing the laundry as a metaphor. He covers capitalism, communism, socialism, fascism, liberalism, libertarianism, misogyny, patriarchy,…
The Problem With SJW Culture
This posts talks about the main problem right now with SJW or “Social Justice Warrior” culture online. Now let me just preface this by saying…
Sailor Moon Social Justice Memes
Siren Spectacular, Non-Binary Meme Witch made this phenomenal Sailor Moon social justice meme collection after being accused of using Sailor Moon to spread “propaganda”, and…