Tag: social media
Author Goes Viral and Becomes Bestseller
Wholesome content alert! Vicky Ball, an aspiring UK author, went viral with this post and became a bestseller with her book Powerless! Now this is…
How to Know if You Are Being Radicalized
“Put the apocalypse down, and back away slowly.” This is one way to know if you are being radicalized by an extremist group: Source
Instagram Influencer Culture
Miss Mentelle wrote this eye-opening post about about Instagram “influencer” culture. This refers to the phenomenon where individuals gain a significant following on the social media platform…
The Oregon Trail on Facebook
LOL! Team Pwnicorn made this hilarious example of what it would be like if the classic computer game The Oregon Trail was on facebook. Settler Joe…
Five Posts You Will Never See on Social Media
LOL! We all know the internet is overrun with extreme gut reactions and trolling, which is of course what makes this comic by Richard Stevens…
People Have Never Constantly Talked
I always think the same thing when people complain about “kids these days” always being on their smartphones. You can still be social on the…
Outdated Memes
LOL! Us elder millennials love our outdated memes! All your base are belong to us! But seriously this is a great post about using old…
Funny Boomer Lady Facebook Bios
LOL! This is an amusing little collection of funny Facebook bios posted by boomer ladies! These lovely women have truly mastered social media: (via: Dank…
You Don’t Have to Be Accessible at All Times
This post is a great reminder about how just because we all have cell phones now, it does NOT mean that you HAVE TO BE…
Medieval Branding
Ilya Stallone designed this amazing series showing what famous brands would look like in medieval times. These are actually both clever and stylish. Some of…