Tag: space orcs
Aliens Studying Human History
samuraiknitter wrote this little “humans are space orcs” story about aliens studying human history. The best way to learn any civilization’s weakness is, of course, is to study…
Humans Petting Deadly Alien Creatures
flamingfoxninja wrote this fun little “humans are space orcs” story about aliens being so used to humans wanting to pet the most deadliest creatures they find because PUPPER:…
Human Emphasis
shamansantics wrote this neat little story about how aliens can’t understand human tone and emphasis when they speak: Source: shamansantics
The Stupidest Things Can Stop a Human
This is a fun little “humans are space orcs” story about it’s the stupidest little things that can stop up a human. Humans are apex predators. We’re…
Humans are Space Orcs – Baked Goods
For today’s “humans are weird space orcs” post, lesbianwriterlover69 wrote this story about humans and their baked goods. Humans are number one in the galaxy selling…
Humans are Weird – Pregnancy
For today’s “humans are weird space orcs” post, maplepoppy discusses pregnancy and babies! What if all aliens actually hatch from eggs and our planet is…
Humans Ask The Dumbest Questions
This is an fun story titled “Well that was dumb…” posted to r/HFY by Admirable-Marsupial3! HFY (Humanity, Fuck Yeah!) is a subreddit for all media exhibiting the…
Humans are Stubborn
horkbajir99 wrote this awesome “humans are space orcs” story about how humans are stubborn. It follows “Human-Megan” who is an officer on an alien ship….
Space Australia and Humans Being Overprepared
LOL! This is a great Space Australia post about aliens not understanding why humans always overprepare for things. After all, “better safe than sorry” is…
Weird Human Things
Today in “humans are space orcs”, it’s a list of weird human things! It may seem normal to us, but to aliens these things are completely…