Tag: space travel
Size Comparison of Science Fiction Spaceships
You’ve probably seen this floating around the internet, but it’s always worth another look! This incredibly detailed Size Comparison of Science Fiction Spaceships features almost every ship…
Humans are Stubborn
horkbajir99 wrote this awesome “humans are space orcs” story about how humans are stubborn. It follows “Human-Megan” who is an officer on an alien ship….
The First Time Humans Leave the Solar System
programaticallydelicious wrote this awesome little sci-fi story about the first time humans leave the solar system. As soon as they hit the heliopause (the boundary…
Aliens Auditing Human Spaceships
LOL! Here’s another great “humans are space orcs” type post about a poor alien sod responsible for auditing a human spaceship. The alien does not understand…
Jellyfish in Space
Ok so, as part of NASA’s SLS-1 Mission in 1991, over 2,000 moon jellyfish were launched into space on the space shuttle Columbia. The purpose…
Humans are Irresistible
daeomec posted this epic original sci-fi story titled “Irresistible” on r/HFY (Humanity, Fuck Yeah!). HFY is a subreddit for all media exhibiting the awesome potential of humanity. They…
What If Humans Are Tiny?
cheeseanonioncrisps posted this awesome “humans are weird”/ “humans are space orcs” post that has a completely different take! What if humans are actually tiny!?! This…
Aliens Fear of Humans
Today in “humans are space orcs” content, it’s a post about how aliens fear humans! The children of Earth are the most terrifying creatures in…
Aliens Can’t Hide Emotions Like Humans
This is another great “humans are space orcs” post! What if aliens can’t hide their emotions like humans can? Aliens basically have no concept of…
Humans Are the Friendly Ones
I know you guys love those “human are space orcs” stories, but what if humans are actually the absurdly friendly and curious ones? I like…