Posted in Articles

Michigan Potholes

Michigan, are you okay? Michigan is notorious for its challenging road conditions, with potholes standing out as a particularly widespread and persistent issue. These road…

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Posted in Art

Asking AI to Create a God for Every State

Urban America AI Art created this epic series of American Gods by asking an AI image generator to create a god for every state! The…

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Posted in Articles

Why Pennsylvania Is Named Pennsylvania

LOL! This post starts with people realizing Transylvania is a real place, but ends up explaining why the state in USA is named Pennsylvania. It’s another…

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Posted in Articles

Alaska is Overwhelmingly Large

So just how large is Alaska? It’s the largest state in the United States of America and that’s often downplayed by maps. It has a…

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Posted in LOLS

All 50 States of the USA According to a British Person

LOL! @human_not_bees, a British person, tweeted this hilarious thread of all 50 states of the USA and what they are famous for. These are of…

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