Posted in Articles

Pads vs Tampons

This is an interesting and informative post about pads vs tampons. Specifically it’s about why there is a stigma against wearing pads. It basically comes…

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Posted in LOLS

Boyfriends Who Don’t Know What Tampon R Stands For

LOL! This sweet boy looking for a “left” tampon to go with the “right” tampon started a hilarious trend of girlfriends asking their boyfriends if…

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Posted in LOLS

Man Thinks Cartoon Tampon Image is Obscene

LOL WTF!?! This man thinks that a cartoon depiction of a tampon is “obscene” because of *checks notes* the overly “suggestive” and “provocative” curvature of…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

Beach Day Gone Wrong – Comic

OMG LOL! Ristay told this hilarious “Beach Day Gone Wrong” story from her childhood in comic form about an unfortunate tampon mishap at a beach…

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