Posted in Comics

Laboring the Point – Comic

Joey Alison Sayers drew this “Laboring the Point” comic for The Nib about the state of factory employment (and pretty much all other jobs too)…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

If Figures From Greek Mythology Were on the Internet

LOL! Gemma Correll drew this amusing “Posts of the Past” comic for The Nib about figures from Greek mythology on the internet as classical influencers. Here’s a…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

Power Up – Dystopian Future Comic

Matt Bors drew this “Power Up” web comic for The Nib about a horrible dystopian future. It’s the same setting as The Bare Minimum – Dystopian Future Comic….

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Posted in Comics LOLS

How To Care For Your Geriatric Millennial – Comic

LOL! Gemma Correll made this funny “Elder Careful” comic for The Nib about “The Do’s & Don’ts of Caring for Your Geriatric* Millennial (*born between…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

2020 Taught Us So Much – The Future is Bright – Comic

Matt Bors drew this “The Future is Bright” web comic for The Nib about how bad of a year 2020 was. But if you look at it…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

The Bare Minimum – Dystopian Future Comic

Matt Bors drew this “The Bare Minimum” web comic for The Nib about a horrific dystopian future. Obviously it parallels the current debate in the…

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