Tag: tweets
How People Treat People Who Use Wheelchairs
Ada Hubrig tweeted this eye-opening thread about how people treat them when they are using their wheelchair. It super disappointing that people who use wheelchairs…
Other Words That Mean “No”
Words of consent are very important. And we all know “no” means “no”, but so can many other words. There is more than one way…
War Trauma in History and the Post-Pandemic World
History major Ana Mardoll posted these interesting tweets about the trauma that young American teen girls went through in World War II. Obviously it’s not…
Advice on Disposable Content and Grief
This is great advice on what media you should consume to help deal with grief – disposable content is best. This also ties into the…
Advice for Ukraine From an America Tank Mechanic
@Hogan698, who is a tank mechanic in the USA, posted this great advice about tanks for the Ukrainian resistance. Luckily for Ukraine, tanks are bad…
People Share the Dumbest Things They Did as a Kid
LOL! The question “What’s the dumbest sh*t you ever did as a kid?” got this hilarious thread started on twitter. Lots of people shared their…
This Is Why You Should Be Careful What You Share Online
Even if you’re the Queen, you have to be very careful about what data you share online. Adam Kay shared a quick thread on this….
40 Useful Concepts You Should Know
Gurwinder tweeted this very interesting and useful megathread of 40 concepts you should know. If you read this whole thing you will definitely learn something…
This is Why Representation in Geek Culture Matters
@sapphicgeek told this beautiful story about working at a comic book store and meeting a young Supergirl fan. This is exactly why representation and diversity in…
Hilarious Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Tweets
LOL! The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation does not want you to let them in. This twitter thread about leaving dangerous animals alone is hilarious….