Posted in Comics

Super Cute Animal Comics Based on Photos

Divyansh Sikka Comics aka @that_doodleguy draws these adorable animal comics based on super cute animal photos! He gives the photos a little backstory and they…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

Wholesome Comic by Loading Artist

LOL! Loading Artist made this wholesome comic for a request, but there seems to have been a punny mix-up, haha. Loading Artist is a weekly…

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Posted in LOLS

Thoughts of Dog is the Goodest Twitter

D’aww, goodest boy! ♥ Thoughts of Dog might just be one of the goodest and bestest twitter accounts ever! These tweets from a doggo are so…

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Posted in Articles

Wonderful Examples of Wholesome Masculinity

You hear a lot these days about toxic masculinity, but not enough about wholesome masculinity. So this post filled with wonderful examples of truly wholesome…

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Posted in Comics

Cthu the Mind Reaver – Fantasy Comic

Wei. 賴惟 draws this cute fantasy comic about your friendly dungeon Mind Reaver, lol. Here’s what he had to say about it and you can read more…

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Posted in Articles

Mister Rogers Drawing – Inspirational Quote

This quote about drawing from Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood is super inspirational! Even though this is for kids I think it’s still a great thing for…

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Posted in Articles

Lovable Things About The “Villains Turn Good” Trope

pitviperofdoom posted this wholesome list of things she loves about the “villains turn good” trope. While it may seem overdone sometimes, it does have it’s…

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Posted in Comics

When I Was Younger I Wanted To Be… – Comic

Lunarbaboon drew this cute and wholesome “Father” comic about what he wanted to be when he grew up. It has a very heartfelt ending. ❤️…

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Posted in Comics LOLS

Food Stance – What’s Up Beanie? Comic

LOL! What’s Up Beanie? drew this cute comic about how predictable she is with her love for snacks and her food stance! I am the…

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Posted in Comics

Men Can… – Comic

Eirinnske Comics made this wholesome comic as a reminder that men can do all these things too. This is really just being a human being…

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