Tag: words
Boob Language
This is an amusing and informative post about the linguistic history of words for breasts. Calling boobs “melons” is literally ancient language, lol. Here’s the…
Sci-fi Translators
This is a good point about universal translators in sci-fi: how do they know when to stop translation? These tweets by foone elaborate further: Source:…
Full Phrases
There are so many commonly used phrases that we are only using part of. Here are some great examples of phrases we use that are…
PSA About The Word Neurodivergent
This is a PSA from sherlocksflataffect, the coiner of the term “neurodivergent”. Neurodivergent just means a brain that diverges. Being neurodivergent means having a brain…
Mr. Rogers Rules For Talking To Kids – Freddish
Fred Rogers, better known as Mr. Rogers, was an American tv host, producer, and writer who created and hosted the children’s television series “Mister Rogers’…
Rosetta Stone for a Single Language
LOL! This is an awesome post that is actually a Rosetta Stone for a single language, which is English of course. The post translates this…
Baby Names That Would Be Cute if They Didn’t Mean What They Mean
LOL! kyladiane posted this TikTok about her list of baby names that would be cute if they didn’t mean what they mean. My favorite name…
Using Nouns as Verbs
Using nouns as verbs, also known as “verbing”, is when you take a word that’s normally a noun (like a person, place, or thing) and…
Funny Japanese English Shirts
LOL! Reddit user k-popstar moved to Japan to teach English and has been taking these funny pictures of Japanese discount store shirts with totally random English words…
My Little Secret – Language Comic
This is wholesome content! Shen Comix made this adorable “My Little Secret” comic about spreading the love using their native language. I agree with this:…