Tag: writing
Full Nerdout About Languages in Tolkien’s Work
mirkwoodest posted this epic Tolkien “full nerdout” rant about languages in his work. I would absolutely love to see them sit down with Stephen Colbert…
Two Infants Fae Bargain Writing Prompt
Sarah Blackwell aka dycefic wrote an amazing response to this fae writing prompt; Two identical infants lay in the cradle. “One you bore, the other…
Commonly Misspelled Words
This is a good list of commonly misspelled words seen in fan fics and comment sections. These words are generally misspelled because they are mistaken…
The Servant and the Fortune-Teller – Writing Prompt Response
Selene Kallan wrote this beautiful short story in response to this writing prompt fairy tale fragment which simply said, “The servant rescued the fortune-teller under…
Hilarious Bible Rewrite by a Kid
LOL! This girl found her hilarious bible rewrite from when she was a kid. I think a lot more people would read the bible if…
The Blacksmith Who Had A Glass Slipper
Olivia Waite wrote this absolutely beautiful short story response to the writing prompt, “Once upon a time, there was a blacksmith who had a glass…
Author Shares Stories of the Sexism She’s Faced
Victoria “V.E.” Schwab shared some of the many stories of sexism she’s faced over the years as a female author. It’s so wrong that woman…
Story About a Daycare at the End of the World
The response to this writing prompt about a daycare worker watching over toddlers when the end of the world is coming is absolutely heart wrenching….
Femininity in the Fantasy Genre
This is a very interesting post about how femininity is depicted in the fantasy genre. While we do absolutely love our badass warrior women, there’s…
Post-Apocalyptic Story About an Artificial Intelligence
This is a beautiful post-apocalyptic story about a machine with artificial intelligence who decides she is alive. She looks into what it means to be…