Tag: WTF
Human Eyes Are Always Shaking
Did you know that human eyes are always shaking? Our eyes are in constant motion, a phenomenon known as microsaccades, tremors, and drifts, even when…
Health Insurance in the USA
This is so sad. Health Insurance in the USA is absolutely broken… Source
Cloudflare Cybersecurity is Protected by Lava Lamps
Yea you read that headline correctly, Cloudflare is protected by a wall of lava lamps. Cloudflare, a leading provider of cybersecurity services, employs an unconventional…
Florida Man Shot in Head While Sleeping
Wow, we all know Florida Man has some crazy stories, but this one about a man waking up with a headache, only to discover his…
People in Real Life
“People in real life: Hey man how’s it going” is a truly killer phrase. It instantly neutralizes whatever insane discourse you find online. For example:…
Benjamin Franklin’s Abortion Recipe
Americans probably think the Founding Fathers had something to say about abortion, but most of them didn’t. Except Benjamin Franklin, who published a recipe for…
The Many Controversies of Australian Politician Barnaby Joyce
Introducing the man who puts the “Aussie” in “controversy”, meet Australian politician Barnaby Joyce! If Australian politics were a rollercoaster, he’d be the loop-de-loop that…
Pop Music Hate
LOL! Not sure pop music gets so much random hate. It’s not that deep. Some of you need to hang out with normal people and…
Using Cows To Explain Everything
LOL! So it turns out that you can use cows to explain everything. From political ideologies, to corporations, to religions, to this post itself… Source
Random Crazy Facts
This is a great collection of random crazy facts from r/AskReddit, the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions! These were posted in response to…