HAHAHA, Bob’s Burgers has some of the best quotes from a cartoon! Here’s a few of the best ones:

“Love you, cutie pie. Sorry, I’ll think of a better one than ‘cutie pie’. You’re my angel…dust. Sorry. That’s a drug.” -Bob Belcher

“Oh! This is gonna be the longest hour of my life.” -Louise Belcher
“Wait till childbirth, girlfriend.” -Gene Belcher

“Your ass is grass and I’m gonna mow it.” -Tina Belcher

“I want your nuggets!” -Gene Belcher

“Channel six news. They’ll finger anything with a pulse.” -Gene Belcher
“I’m pretty sure their slogan is, “their finger’s on the pulse,” Gene.” -Bob Belcher

“If we see any mermaids, I’m going to ask them where their merginas are.” -Tina Belcher

“I-I-I-I-I wish my radio worked.” -Teddy


“Oh burger, you’re cute.”
“You’re cute too!”
“No, I’m not.” -Bob Belcher

“Let’s raise our glasses.”
“Tina, not those glasses.” -Bob Belcher

“Ugh! Summer is awful. There’s too much pressure to enjoy yourself.” -Gene Belcher

“Oh, mini croissants! No matter what I say, stop me when I’ve had sixteen.” -Linda Belcher

“My life is more difficult than anyone else’s on the planet, and, yes, I’m including starving children, so don’t ask.” -Gene Belcher

“Why would I be horny? I’m not an antelope.” -Gene Belcher
And we threw in a couple of the best Burgers of the Day for fun:

“You saved us, Gene. I owe you my life.” -Linda Belcher
“No, thanks. I’ve seen it and I’m not impressed.” -Linda Belcher

“Oh my god. Gene, put Tina on the phone.” -Bob Belcher
“She’s pretty big. It’d be easier to put the phone on Tina.” -Gene Belcher

“Gene, why are you in your underwear?” -Bob Belcher
“I was eating! What, you want me to get butter all over my clothes?” -Gene Belcher

“Yeah! Crazy how kids can fall asleep sober like that!” -Linda Belcher

“Camera, take the day off. I added ten pounds to myself!” -Gene Belcher

“Okay. fine. But I’m gonna complain the whole time.” -Bob Belcher

“Buckle it up, buckle it up! Buckle it up or you’ll die!”

“I’m already bored.” -Gene Belcher
“Hey, sometimes good things come from boredom. Like Gene. And Tina.” -Bob Belcher

“Sorry we’re late. Bob had diarrhea.” -Linda Belcher

“I’m literally grasping at straws.” -Bob Belcher

“Only strippers shave above the knee.” -Linda Belcher

“Well I’m glad you kids are excited, because I’m going to kill myself.” -Bob Belcher

(via: Geek Girls)
What’s your fav Bob’s Burgers quote? Let us know in the comments below!