*FACEPALM!* In this post people tell stories about the dumbest things other people thought were true about astronomy. Of course we’re human and we all make mistakes, but some of these are astoundingly stupid. Like a mars-centric solar system, Pluto not being a planet anymore because it was destroyed, or just planets being fake in general, haha. To be fair, apparently there’s thousands of people out there who still believe the earth is flat, so maybe these stories really aren’t that bad:

(via: Vellum and Vinyl)
Got any hilariously wrong space facts? Let us know in the comments below!
A friend of mine once asserted that at night the sky became black because there was a black hole in an elliptical orbit (he seemed to know what that was) around Earth, and night was when it was closer, so obviously it was sucking all the light away from us.