The Fake Luau Scene in Lilo & Stitch

This is a great little thread about the fake luau scene in Disney‘s Lilo & Stitch that shows an accurate representation of Hawaiians perspective on luaus held by tourists:

The Fake Luau Scene in Lilo & Stitch

The Fake Luau Scene in Lilo & Stitch
Source: gnarly-art

And here’s the full fake luau scene from Lilo & Stitch for more context:
Lilo and Stitch: At the (stupid fakey) Luau

– Uh, this is not working out. Uh, b-but… Mm-mm.
– Yeah? Well, who wants to work at this stupid… Fakey luau anyway.
– Come on, Lilo.

1 thought on “The Fake Luau Scene in Lilo & Stitch

  1. Lilo’s habit of taking photos of tourists is also apparently a flipping of the script on tourists taking photos of the native Hawaiians as though they are part of the scenery. This movie is beyond well-researched, and to cut the whole essay short that’s why it’s amazing.

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