This is an amazing response to this writing prompt; “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse face off against embodiments of the Seven Deadly Sins”. Who do you think would win in The Four Horsemen vs The Seven Deadly Sins?

Source: hedwighood
(via: Pinterest)
So who do you think would win in The Four Horsemen vs The Seven Deadly Sins? Let us know in the comments below!
Kind of shit…
Spoken like someone who couldn’t create an original thought if they tried.
Fun little story but…. Darksiders did it better
Am I the only one picturing the Witcher vs The full metal alchemist?
I understand why it ended there. That said, I want more of this flavor of spare prose. Reading it is somehow soothing. (Don’t ask why. I don’t know. I just know how it feels.)