There’s only one ninja left on earth. Jinichi Kawakami is Japan‘s last ninja grandmaster and only heir to authentic ninjutsu. He said: “In the age of civil wars or during the Edo period, ninjas’ abilities to spy and kill, or mix medicine may have been useful, but we now have guns, the internet and much better medicines, so the art of ninjutsu has no place in the modern age.”

(via: Premium Internet Curation)
I felt Tenchu far surpassed Assassin’s Creed for authentic ninja but I also see Master Kawakimi’s view. The master sees not only is the real ninja behind in comparison to modern methods but it has had its time.
Naruto, Ninja Gaiden and things like that were really never faithful as they brazenly fight in daylight in Naruto and the OTT spells… Assassin’s Creed does not punish the ninja if detected, Ezio say can take groups on easily and it will almost never fail his mission; Tenchu on the other hand, is far more accurate. The ninja are agile, carry tools needed for their mission but are rewarded if they are unseen and unharmed with varying degrees of detection depending on game. Tenchu Z for instance, you can be heard, smelled and of course seen. Sadly Tenchu Z was the last of the series to date…
“There is only one surviving Ninjutsu master left,” and announcing that the lineage of the last surviving ninja clan will die with him, is **EXACTLY** the kind of misdirection a Ninjutsu Grandmaster would make…..