This post features The Little Boy by Helen E. Buckley. It’s just a reminder to never lose your creativity, don’t let them take it from you. There is no such thing as bad coloring.
So sad on so many levels, and with the attitudes about schooling getting more and more repressive in a few years the only original arts will be coming only from the old who survived this sort of indoctrination. I was fortunate enough to have a few teachers who still loved their jobs and did them well, supporting the creative efforts of their students without trying to force them into tidy molds. Sadly, that was over 50 years ago, and times have changed.
What people miss is that teachers have to teach the process. How to break things apart and put them back together. Draw THIS flower like THIS with THIS coloration teaches the rules of composition and shading. Throw THIS pot, THIS way teaches construction. Do THIS math problem THIS way so I can show you THIS technique.
Eventually, once you get the tools, THEN you can be let loose. “Draw me a flower, but not MY flower.” “Make me a pot, but not MY pot.”
So sad on so many levels, and with the attitudes about schooling getting more and more repressive in a few years the only original arts will be coming only from the old who survived this sort of indoctrination. I was fortunate enough to have a few teachers who still loved their jobs and did them well, supporting the creative efforts of their students without trying to force them into tidy molds. Sadly, that was over 50 years ago, and times have changed.
What people miss is that teachers have to teach the process. How to break things apart and put them back together. Draw THIS flower like THIS with THIS coloration teaches the rules of composition and shading. Throw THIS pot, THIS way teaches construction. Do THIS math problem THIS way so I can show you THIS technique.
Eventually, once you get the tools, THEN you can be let loose. “Draw me a flower, but not MY flower.” “Make me a pot, but not MY pot.”