Moral dilemmas are literally everywhere and you can drive yourself crazy thinking about them. If you get too caught up in them it is impossible to enjoy anything. Doing what’s right and wrong in our society these days is next to impossible. All you can really do is try your best and support good when you can. It is hard though, especially with many of our favorite creators and icons coming out saying horrible discriminatory things. And almost all of our affordable products and food coming from modern day slavery. And the realizations that our entire societies are built on colonization and death. Not to mention the fact that basically everything we do is causing the destruction of the natural world.
This theme is covered very well in the NBC tv show, “The Good Place”. I don’t want to spoil anything for you because the show is a masterpiece, if you haven’t watched it yet I highly recommend it! The image below is of Chidi Anagonye, who is a Professor of Moral Philosophy on the show. He really is the absolute perfect poster child for this post:

Source: rubyvroom / surelytomorrow
(via: Vellum and Vinyl)
What do you think? Do moral dilemmas like these ever keep you up at night? How do you cope? Leave a comment below!
It’s apropos to use an image from The Good Place to illustrate this. There was a whole arc on the impact of unintended consequences of our actions (I think that’s as much as I can say without spoilers).
Do what you can, when you can. The rest of the time, do what you have to do. Just because you can’t fix everything doesn’t mean you can’t do something. That’s something I’ve struggled with my whole life.
It’s ironic that they’re getting this from Vellum & Vinyl, because that page is so intensely driven by purity ideology that if you so much as twitch in a way they don’t like, they ban you.
Plastics is my pet hate. The human race uses plastic everywhere, but once upon a time we didn’t have plastics, so we did not use plastic. There is plastic in everything we eat, and molecules of it in our blood. What is the long term effect of all the plastic invading our very lives and bodies?